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2014-Nonlinear Dynamics and Stochastic Methods: From Neuroscience to Other Biological Applications
March 10-12, 2014 / Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Existiert in Material / / Talks & Events / Conferences & Workshops
2014-NWG Lehrerfortbildung: Fortschritte in den Neurowissenschaften
October 13, 2014 / Freiburg, Germany
Existiert in Material / / Talks & Events / Conferences & Workshops
2014-NWG-Course: Analysis and Models in Neurophysiology
October 5-10, 2014 / Freiburg, Germany
Existiert in Material / / Talks & Events / Conferences & Workshops
2014-OHBM Hackathon
June 5 - 7, 2014, Berlin, Germany
Existiert in Material / / Talks & Events / Conferences & Workshops
2014-Parallel Simulations with NEURON
June 25 - 26, 2014, San Diego, USA
Existiert in Material / / Talks & Events / Conferences & Workshops
2014-Radboud Summer School, Neural metrics: Quantitative analysis of neural organisation and function
August 11 - 15, 2014, NIJMEGEN, Netherlands
Existiert in Material / / Talks & Events / Conferences & Workshops
2014-Roundtable Workshop: Clinical Applicability of BMIs
June 21 - 25, 2014, Freiburg, Germany
Existiert in Material / / Talks & Events / Conferences & Workshops
2014-Science Jam Nr. 4: mensch maschine
22. Juli 2014 / Freiburg
Existiert in Bernstein-Werkstatt
2014-sensory neuronal network
September 26, 2014, Berlin
Existiert in Material / / Talks & Events / Conferences & Workshops
2014-Seventh International Workshop on Guided Self-Organisation
December 16 - 18, 2014, Freiburg, Germany
Existiert in Material / / Talks & Events / Conferences & Workshops