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M.Sc. Programs

Interdisciplinary M.Sc. neuroscience program at the University Freiburg

The MSc Neuroscience program in Freiburg unites teaching expertise at the faculties of biology, engineering, and behavioral sciences and economics to offer a coherent course program that provides the training needed by the next generation neuroscientists. Please check out the official M.Sc. Neuroscience website for further information.


M.Sc. program in the Faculty of Biology at the University Freiburg

The Faculty for Biology at the University if Freiburg is offering a Major in Neuroscience within the M.Sc. Biology. Please check out the website of the faculty for further information.





Joint Master in Neuroscience (Universities Strasbourg, Basel, Freiburg)

The Universities of Strasbourg, Basel and Freiburg offer an international Master's program in which students can take courses at all 3 places.
Please find more information about this program on: