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BrainDisC - International PhD Program in Computational Neuroscience of Brain Disease

BrainDisC - International PhD Program in Computational Neuroscience of Brain Disease


The Bernstein Center Freiburg (BCF) offers a multi-disciplinary, international PhD program in Computational Neuroscience of Brain Disease. PhD students from different backgrounds in natural sciences, mathematics, engineering sciences or computer science are provided with a thorough scientific and methodological basis in computational neuroscience and neurotechnology for an academic or application-oriented career.

The PhD program is open to students from Germany and abroad.

To internationalize the program we are supported by the DAAD funding programs GSSP,  IPID4all and STIBET.


How to apply?

There are several ways to join the PhD Program BrainDisC:

  • Apply directly to one of our open positions in research projects of the BCF.
  • Join us by applying to the Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctoral Program "NeuroTime - Neural Processing of Time". Instructions on how to apply are detailed on the NeuroTime website. Application deadlines are January 15 each year. Short-listed candidates will be interviewed in February. Decisions will be communicated to applicants end of February and the selected applicants will start in September.
  • Join us by applying to the Spemann Graduate School of Biology & Medicine. Instructions on how to apply are detailed on the SGBM website
  • Provide your own funding, e.g. through a DAAD fellowship (to search for the appropriate fellowship you can use the DAAD Fellowship Database). For these fellowships you typically need to define a research proposal, which has to be worked out by the applicant and the hosting supervisor. Thus, please have a look at the websites of our PIs and find out whose research interests you most. You may contact that PI directly and ask whether he/she is willing to supervise you, support your application for funding and discuss a putative project. Once the research proposal has been accepted you can apply to our PhD program by filling in the electronic application form.


Rules and Regulations

► More information about the Rules and Regulations of the BrainDisC program

► More information about the Doctoral Degree at the Faculty of Biology and the Doctoral Degree at the Faculty of Engineering


Detailed Course Programs


 Course programs from previous semesters



In November 2014, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) launched the project “IPID4all” (“International Promovieren in Deutschland - for all”). Through this program, universities get the opportunity to further develop existing and test new strategies for the internationalization of the PhD phase. It will allow bundling several specific measures to achieve this goal.

The program’s aims are twofold: Winning more excellent graduates from abroad for a PhD in Germany, and creating conditions for German graduates to prepare them for a future in an international environment inside or outside of academia. Within IPID4all’s funding scheme, the Bernstein Center Freiburg was successful with its application for the new PhD program BrainDisC (“International PhD program in Computational Neuroscience of Brain Disease”). It will be fully integrated into the center’s new focus on Computational Neuroscience of Brain Disease.

BrainDisC allows the BCF to recruit excellent graduates for PhD studies, and aid German and international PhD students to qualify for a career within an international environment. It further allows the BCF to continue the development, both in terms of content and administration, of its PhD program. This activity is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).



Dr. Birgit Ahrens
Teaching & Training Coordinator
Bernstein Center Freiburg
Hansastraße 9a
79104 Freiburg i.Br.
Tel.: +49 (0)761 203 9575
Fax: +49 (0)761 203 9559
URL: [click here]


Promoted by the German Academic Exchange Service and funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research