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Neuroscience at the Science Slam

BCF's PhD student Tiago Felix made second place at the Freiburg Science Slam on January 28. A videocast of the evening is now online.

Neuroscience at the Science Slam - Mehr…

TIGER roaming the Rhine valley

TIGER roaming the Rhine valley

Trinational initiative aims to find causes for neurological diseases

TIGER roaming the Rhine valley - Mehr…

New Probes for the Brain

New Probes for the Brain

The Department of Microsystems Engineering of the University of Freiburg is Coordinating the Research Project NeuroSeeker

New Probes for the Brain - Mehr…

Learning from mistakes

Learning from mistakes

Scientists identify error signals and help to improve movement detection for brain-machine interfaces

Learning from mistakes - Mehr…

A Light Switch inside the Brain

 A Light Switch inside the Brain

Scientists from Freiburg Build a Microimplant that Uses a Laser to Control Individual Nerve Cells

A Light Switch inside the Brain - Mehr…

Algorithm proves useful for analysis of neuronal data

Algorithm proves useful for analysis of neuronal data

“Support vector machines” perform well in spike pattern classification with a leaky integrate-and-fire neuron

Algorithm proves useful for analysis of neuronal data - Mehr…

A mere urge or a deliberate intention?

A mere urge or a deliberate intention?

Scientists address the relevance of philosophical intention theories to brain-machine interfaces

A mere urge or a deliberate intention? - Mehr…

Stimuli are selected through selective synchronisation

Stimuli are selected through selective synchronisation

An article in the the journal NEURON by researchers from the Netherlands, the USA and BrainLinks-BrainTools/Bernstein Center Freiburg demonstrates how selective synchronisation between brain areas can modulate the effective connectivity between them.

Stimuli are selected through selective synchronisation - Mehr…

This semester: "Biologie des Menschen" Lecture Series [in German]

This semester: "Biologie des Menschen" Lecture Series [in German]

This winter semester, the University of Freiburg will host a lecture series on human biology. The public lectures (which are held in German). Three of those talks are in the field of neuroscience.

This semester: "Biologie des Menschen" Lecture Series [in German] - Mehr…

Multiple Contacts Are Key to Synapse Formation

Multiple Contacts Are Key to Synapse Formation

Team of Scientists from Freiburg and Jülich Find Explanation for Formation of Connections between Nerve Cells

Multiple Contacts Are Key to Synapse Formation - Mehr…

Epileptic signatures - outside of epileptic seizures

Epileptic signatures - outside of epileptic seizures

Scientists find changes in brain networks during ‘normal’ activity between epileptic episodes

Epileptic signatures - outside of epileptic seizures - Mehr…

More than just glue

More than just glue

Neuroscientists from Freiburg show that glial cells protect the brain from epileptic seizures

More than just glue - Mehr…

BCF members' review among top cited papers

BCF members' review among top cited papers

In a publication analysis by the "Laborjournal", a review co-written by Marlene Bartos and Peter Jonas reaches 2nd place

BCF members' review among top cited papers - Mehr…

Adaptation Paths to Novel Motor Tasks Are Shaped by Prior Structure Learning

Adaptation Paths to Novel Motor Tasks Are Shaped by Prior Structure Learning

Findings support hypothesis that related motor skills are acquired faster by learning the dynamic and kinematic relationships

Adaptation Paths to Novel Motor Tasks Are Shaped by Prior Structure Learning - Mehr…

Understanding complex relationships

Understanding complex relationships

Scientists from Freiburg show how global properties of networks become apparent in local characteristics

Understanding complex relationships - Mehr…

Finding the right measure

Finding the right measure

New study allows a more reliable measurement of neuronal interactions

Finding the right measure - Mehr…