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The principles of writing a paper for a high-impact factor journal (SS 2010)

Teacher: Heather Silyn-Roberts, BSc, PhD



Aims of the course

This programme will involve each participant in the writing and correcting of his/her own paper, and identifying faults in other participants’ papers. 

Tasks to be completed prior to the Freiburg programme on June 10 and 11, 2010

By Monday April 5, each student will submit to the facilitator ( and to SGBM administration a journal paper as follows:

  1. It should describe an element of his/her own doctoral work.
  2. It should be a maximum length of 6 single sides of a page or 3500 words or 20 000 characters (not counting spaces), whichever is the smaller, not including the Abstract or the List of References.
  3. Font should be a minimum of 11 point Times Roman.
  4. No appendices or supplementary information should be included.
  5. No more than 3 illustrations (this includes charts, photographs, tables).

The sections to be written up are: Title and Running Title: Abstract of no more than 300 words; Keywords; Introduction; Methods; Results; Discussion; List of References.

By two weeks before the programme in June, each participant will receive from the SGBM administration two papers written by other participants in the programme. The authors’ names will have been erased. Each paper will be identified by a number only.

Day 1 (Thursday, June 10, 2010)

09:00-12:00 Presentation and group discussion on the criteria for an effective journal paper.
12:00-17:00 Discussion about major faults of own and other participants' papers. Written notes to be swapped with the other participants.

To prepare for Day 1:
Each participant will identify the faults of the two papers he/she has been given, and prepare written notes about each paper. These notes will be given to the authors and discussed in the afternoon on Day 1.

Day 2 (Friday, June 11, 2010)

Each student has an individual half-hour session with HSR discussing their own paper.

To prepare for Day 2:
Each student to rewrite their own paper overnight, correcting the faults identified in the written notes and in the group discussion on Day 1 with HSR.

Set up

  • Maximum numbers of participants is 10.

Target date

Thursday, June 10 and Friday, June 11, 2010
Starting: 9:00 a.m.
Ending: 5:00 p.m.
Seminar room, SGBM, Albertstr. 19a 
