Sie sind hier: Startseite Teaching & Training Secondary Skill Courses Scientific Videos (WS 2008/09)

Scientific Videos (WS 2008/09)

Teacher: Dr. Gunnar Grah



Aims of the course

 To learn and apply the basic skills necessary for filmmaking

  1. Coming up with the idea for a film
  2. Writing a script based on this idea
  3. Planning and preparing the shooting of a film
  4. Learning how to set up a scene, how to light it, how to frame a shot, how to handle a consumer video camcorder and get acceptable sound recording
  5. Editing on a computer, using Apple's "Final Cut Express"


The aim is that over the time of the course, you will produce a short scientific film. For this purpose, the participants will be assigned to small groups that will form separate film teams.

Possible topics for the planned films:

  • Telling the story of a scientific finding
  • Explaining a scientific method
  • Filming a portrait of a scientist and his work


Set up

  •  Maximum number of participants is 16
  • 3-4 people will form a team for the practical work


Day 1:

  • Lecture: Coming up with an idea: the challenge of visualization
  • Practical work: Writing a synopsis
  • Homework: Writing a treatment


Day 2:

  • Lecture: Basics of filmmaking
    - Technicalities
    - Camera operation
    - Image
    - Light
    - Sound
  • Homework: Writing the shooting schedule


Day 3:

  • Practical Work: Shooting day


Day 4:

  • Lecture: Introduction to non-linear digital editing with "Final Cut Express"
  • Practical work:
    - Screening all material
    - Capturing the wanted shots
    - Editing


Day 5:

  • Practical Work: Editing


Target dates

November 11, 13:00 (sharp/s.t.)
November 21, 13-18
November 28, 13-18
December 5, 13-18
December 12, 13-18




  • Too time consuming
  • Too theoretical preparation
  • Less paper work / more video taping
  • Great course! Offer it again + think about how interestedpeople can continue their experience in video production
  • Missing topic: special effects
  • Perhaps should every group work on the same project (topic, or even material), and the result would be several films with the same story board
  • More theory necessary about how the camera works
  • We had little time to prepare our films resp. to think about the topic we want to make our movie on
  • More guidance in the preparation of the treatment
  • If an experienced lecturer/tutor can join partly the discussion of the treatment in each group, it will be more efficient
  • Very nice course
  • I think the time for the course was a bit short. A whole semester for this stuff would have been interesting (at least for me)
  • Maybe more than one day for filming; in order to correct the mistakes of the first part
  • Maybe more practical illustration in the theory part of the course



















































