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Time Management (SS 2007)

Teacher: PD Dr. Angelina Topan



Aims of the course

In this workshop you will be given the opportunity to assess where your time goes and make some decisions about changes you would like to make to use your time more effectively. There is no one right way to manage your time. However, it is important to get to know yourself so you can make good decisions about how to use your time 

 Why time management?
This workshop offers practical ways to help you

  • to identify objectives
  • to achieve your abjectives consequently and systematically
  • priorize actions
  • organize time efficiently 

 The workshop enables you to

  •  maximize the performance
  • while allowing you to optimize your leisure time, making you efficient in all aspects of your life
  • keep stress to a minimum
  • leave work behind you knowing that your tasks are under control

 Time is valuable captial

  • Time is a scarce commodity
  • You can not buy time
  • Time can not be stored or saved
  • Time can not be increased
  • Time elapses
  • Time is life

 What is time management?

 Time management means to have control of your time and job instead of being governed by them


Set up

  • Maximum numbers of participants is 12.
  • Content:
    1. Introduction
    2. Time Wasters
    3. Setting goals and priorities
    4. Organize actions by prioritizing
    5. Daily Organization
    6. When to say "no"


Target date

Monday, July 16 and Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Starting: 9:15 a.m.
Ending: 2:00 p.m.
Lecture Hall, BCCN Building, Hansastr. 9a



Average evaluation: 1.79 (scale 1-4 with 1 being the best)


  • Less introduction, more specific examples, sending supervisors into this kind of courses.
  • Broad overview about methods and helps the selection of my tool for the trade.
  • More examples in detail.
  • More tools could have been introduced.
  • More specific tools for project management and practical examples. Liked it, liked the fact that we could reflect as a group.