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2012-Computational and Systems Neuroscience (Cosyne 2012)
February 23-26, 2012 / Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
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2012-4th G-Node Winter Course in Neural Data Analysis
March 5-9, 2012 / Munich, Germany
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2012-Neurodynamics: a workshop on heterogeneity, noise, delays, and plasticity in neural systems
March 5-7, 2012 / Edinburgh, UK
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2012-Neurobiology Spring School 2012
March 7-9, 2012 / Kyoto, Japan
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2012-Bernstein R&D Workshop on cellular electrophysiology
March 9-10, 2012 / Heidelberg, Germany
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2012-“Cave Art – The origins of creativity”: Art exhibition at the BCF
March 11 - April 13, 2012 / Freiburg, Germany
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2012-Brain Awareness Week 2012: Lehrer-Schüler-Tag [in German]
March 14, 2012 / Freiburg, Germany
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2012-Tübingen Spring School: “Methods to Study the Brain in Action”
March 19-23, 2012 / Tübingen, Germany
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2012-Interdisciplinary College 2012
March 16-23, 2012 / Guenne, Germany
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2012-Nonlinear Dynamics in Complex Neural Architectures
March 29-30, 2012 / Lyon, France
Existiert in Material / / Talks & Events / Conferences & Workshops