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Lecture by Prof. Stefan Rotter available as web video

The lecture "Dynamics of recurrent pulse-coupled networks in the brain", held by Prof. Stefan Rotter at the Physics Colloquium on November 30, 2009, is now available online.



The Physics Institute of the University of Freiburg has made this lecture available online. To watch it, please click here.



Neurons in the neocortex of mammals fire action potentials at very low rates, while their spike trains are asynchronous and irregular, indicating a very complex dynamics. The interplay between excitatory and inhibitory neurons strongly affects both neuronal correlations and cortical population dynamics. We attempt to relate these and other characteristics of idle brain dynamics to the physiology of nerve cells and the topology of the underlying network, where the latter is currently known only in terms of gross statistical parameters. Specifically, I will discuss the scope of the emerging linear and nonlinear models for recurrent network dynamics.

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