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BCF launches new PhD program

The Bernstein Center Freiburg consolidates its role as a hub for neuroscience with the launch of the PhD program iCoNeT. Over four years, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the Federal Ministry of Education and Research will fund this international PhD program with up to 400,000 €.

With the founding of iCoNeT (“international PhD program in Computational Neuroscience and Neurotechnology”), the BCF expands its existing program to include the new field neurotechnology.
‘With iCoNeT, we furthermore establish a long-term basis for our PhD program,’ says BCF teaching & training coordinator Dr Janina Kirsch. ‘It will exist independently of the various funding schemes under which young researchers conduct their PhD projects with us, giving continuity to the process.’ Current and future third-party funded initiatives of the BCF will thus be able to make use of an established program and infrastructure.

The program was awarded its funding under the initiative “international PhD studies in Germany” of the  German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), financed by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). Therefore, further increasing the international scope of PhD studies at the BCF is an important aspect. The program will supply funding for local PhD students to travel abroad for research stays in cooperating institutions. At the same time, the BCF will be able to invite international top-class speakers through iCoNeT for lectures and discussions in Freiburg. The community between PhD students of computational neuroscience and neurotechnology in Freiburg can further be fostered by regular retreats. And last but not least, iCoNet will provide the financial resources for local PhD students to organize a conference of their own that caters to their particular scientific interests.

Extending the experiences and expertise of the successful PhD program of the BCCN Freiburg, iCoNeT will offer the opportunity to overhaul and integrate the application and selection process for prospective students. Beginning 2011, an online application system will be available for an easy and straightforward application procedure, and will be accessible through this website.

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