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Successful presentation at the FameLab

PhD student from BCF qualifies for national finals
Successful presentation at the FameLab

Young talents of science communication: Stefan Suwelack, Isabelle Steinke, Sarah Jarvis (from left) at the FameLab Baden-Württemberg. (Picture: KIT/Sandra Göttisheim)

Explaining a complex scientific concept with only three minutes at your disposal – this was the challenge for those young scientists who entered the science communication contest FameLab. Sarah Jarvis from the Bernstein Center at the University of Freiburg mastered this task especially well in Karlsruhe on Friday: She won second place in the regional round, thus qualifying herself for the national finals.

In two presentations that were rich in mimics and gestures, Jarvis talked about networks of neurons in the brain and thus convinced both a jury and the audience in the preliminary and final rounds of the regional contest. Comprehensibility, content and charisma were the criteria that the jury was looking for. The panel consisted of Dr. Rima Dapous, Head Competitive Europe of the British Council, Professor Heike Bühler of the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts of Baden-Württemberg, the deputy editor-in-chief of Geo magazine Jens Schröder, and Professor Volker Saile, Chief Science Officer of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.

Sarah Jarvis and Isabelle Steinke from Karlsruhe, who won first place at the FameLab Baden-Württemberg, will receive a two-day communication course at the British Council in Berlin in order to prepare themselves for the national FameLab finals on April 9 in Bielefeld. Its winners will take part in the international contest held during the Cheltenham Science Festival in June.

FameLab, an international competition for science communication, was carried out for the first time in 2005 in the course of the Cheltenham Science Festival. In Germany, the contest takes place in 2011 for the first time. During a three-minute presentation, young academics from the natural sciences, technology, computer science, mathematics, medicine and psychology present their research topics. For illustration, the presenter may only use objects that can be carried on the body. The audience and a jury of experts elect the winners. The aim of FameLab is to give young academics an opportunity to present their research to the public, and to let an audience gain interesting insights into new areas of science.


Press release of the University of Freiburg (in German)

Article in the online magazine "Fudder"

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