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CorTec: University Spin-Off on its Way into the Future of Neurotechnology

CorTec is developing a neurotechnological platform for measuring and stimulating brain activity. With the seed investment and public subsidies which the Spin-Off from the University of Freiburg has just received it can go on with its development towards a clinical application of the platform system and bring it to market maturity.

„The platform character of our system opens up a wide variety of applications to us“, explains Dr. Jörn Rickert, one of the managing directors of CorTec. „We are able to measure and stimulate brain activity. Therefore we can use our system for example to treat Chronic Pain, to enhance rehabilitation – especially for stroke patients or persons with a high cross section – or else to control assistive devices such as wheel chairs, communication systems etc.“, adds Prof. Thomas Stieglitz from the Department of Microsystems Engineering (Institut für Mikrosystemtechnik, IMTEK) at the University of Freiburg, member of CorTec’s advisory board and one of the founding shareholders.

With this development project CorTec is breaking new ground in neurotechnology. Similar already available systems like the Deep Brain Stimulator for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease in first place suit for stimulation. A reliable system for long-term measuring of brain activity that fits the needs of everyday use is not on the market so far. Nor a technology that would combine both measurement and stimulation.

Although the young company has now taken the step out of the academy, it will also in the future be closely linked to the University and its institutions. Already existing cooperations with the Bernstein Center Freiburg (BCF), the IMTEK and the University Clinics as well in Freiburg as in Tübingen will continue. CorTec coordinates research and development projects with these and other partners supported by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, BMBF).

Source and contact:

Christina Schwartz
CorTec GmbH
Hauptstraße 1
D-79104 Freiburg

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