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Student organization at the Bernstein Center Freiburg


There are currently 26 PhD students working at the BCF. But of course, science is not everything,
so there are quite a lot of social and sports activities going on. Be it during the breaks or after work,
be it in the spare time: There are always people with similar interests. Just to mention some of them:

o  Tabletop soccer
o  Beach volleyball
o  Soccer
o  Badminton
o  Skiing in the nearby ski resort "Feldberg"
o  Parties, karaoke contests
o  Barbecue and chatting on the sunny balcony
o  Analog photography

Each of these activities is organized by a small group of students and staff. This list is far from complete and with each new PhD student, the wealth of activities increases.

Anna I. Jasper and Martin Angelhuber are the current speakers of the BCF students organization body.