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Course program for the Winter Semester 2008/09






Preparatory meeting / 1st session


Core / Advanced
Bernstein Seminar
Invited external SpeakersThu 17:15Lecture Hall, Hansastr. 9airregular, individual announcements for each talk1Core
Introduction into Neurobiology and Biophysics I: Membranes, Neurons, Networks and the Brain, 2 h Ad Aertsen, Friedrich Metzger, Karl-Friedrich FischbachWed 9-11Lecture Hall, Biology I29/10/20082Core
Introduction into Neurobiology and Biophysics III: Measurement and Model, 2+2 h
Stefan RotterLecture: Wed 13-15, Exercises: Wed 15-17Lecture Hall, Hansastr. 9a
Exercises CIP Pool, Hansastr. 9a
Computational Neuroscience I: Models of Neurons and Networks, 1+2 h
Stefan RotterLecture: Thu 14-15, Exercises: Thu 15-17Lecture Hall, Hansastr. 9a
Exercises CIP Pool, Hansastr. 9a
Information Theory: from statistical physics to quantitative biology, 3+2 h
Johannes BergLecture: Wed 11-13, Thu 11-12, Exercises: Tue 16-18

seminar room I and seminar room Gustav-Mie building: 
21d here

23/10/2008, 11 a.m., seminar room Gustav-Mie building6Advanced
Information Theory, 3+1 h
Andreas KarwathLecture: Do 9-10, Wed 9-11,
Exercises: Do 10-11
SR 00 007 (MMR) Geb. 106contact: karwath@informatik.uni-freiburg.de5Advanced
Balanced NetworksCarl van VreeswijkMon, March 9
Wed, March 11
Thu, March 19
Lecture Hall, Hansastr. 9aMonday, March 91Advanced






Preparatory meeting / 1st session


Core / Advanced
Neurophysiology I: Measurement and analysis of neuronal activity - a technical introductionClemens Boucsein, Ulrich Egert, Martin Nawrot

9 a.m.-6 p.m.

 will be announced during preparatory meeting

21/10/2008, 17:30h, Room 05.070, 5th floor, Bio III4Core
Scientific Programming - an Introduction to Python / Scientific PythonAd Aertsen, Stefano Cardanobile, Moritz Helias, Bernd Wiebelt

9 a.m.-6 p.m.

Computerlab BCCN, Hansastr. 9a20/10/2008, 17:30h, 05.070 Biology II/III4Core
Practical: Surface Analysis, with examples from the life sciencesJürgen Rühe, Markus Biesalski, Oswald PruckerBlock during the semester break, contact the organizerscontact the organizersblock during semester break2Advanced
Secondary skill course: "How to make a scientific video?"Gunnar GrahTuesday, November 11, 13:00 (sharp/s.t.)
Friday, November 21, 13-18
Friday, November 28, 13-18
Friday, December 5, 13-18
Friday, December 12, 13-18
first session in seminar room, Hansastr. 9a, practice sessions in CIP-Pool, Hansastr. 9a 1Core
Secondary skill course: "Scientific Writing"Kerstin Meyer-RossSaturday, March 31th 2009, 8 a.m.-6 p.m.Seminar Room, BCCN, Hansastr. 9a --1Core
Secondary skill course: "Powerful Scientific Presentation"Pamela Alean-KirkpatrickPart 1: Fri 09.01.2009 1:30 p.m.-5:30 p.m.
Part 2a: Thu 29.01.2009 1:30 p.m.-5:30 p.m.
Part 2b: Fri 30.01.2009 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
Part 1: Seminar Room of the Spemann Graduate School of Biology and Medicine, Albertstr. 19a
Part 2: Seminar Room of the IGA, Erbprinzenstr. 12, 4th floor






Preparatory meeting / 1st session


Core / Advanced
PhD and Postdoc SeminarAll PIs of the BCCN FreiburgThu 17:15Lecture Hall, BCCN, Hansastr. 9asee schedule1Core, Obligatory for all BCCN students and Postdocs!
The Human Brain - Anatomy and FunctionJanina KirschApril 6 - April 9, 2009Seminar Room, Hansastr. 9A, UG07/11/2008, 17 s.t.,
Lecture Hall BCCN, Hansastr. 9a
Advanced Seminar: Brain and Cognition: Oscillations in the Brain, 2 h
Ad Aertsen, Clemens Boucsein, Ulrich Egert, Thomas Fucke, Robert Illing, Arvind Kumar, Stefan Rotter, Sébastien Roux19.+20.12.2009will be announced during the preparatory meeting28/10/2008, 17 s.t.,
Lecture Hall BCCN, Hansastr. 9a
Advanced Seminar: Neuro- and behavioral PhysiologySamuel Rossel, Carsten Mehring, Vitus Oberhausercontact the organizers s. Announcement Biol. I, V: 29/10/2008, 14 c.t.2Advanced
Journal Club: Current issues in the theoretical and experimental neurosciences, 2stAd Aertsen, Clemens Boucsein, Ulrich EgertFri 9:00-11:00Seminar room, Hansastr. 9A, UGsee schedule1Core
Neuroscientific ColloquiumPeter Jonas, Michael Frotscher, external guestsWed 18-19:30ZfN, Lecture hallsee schedule1Core