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2012-Art exhibition at the BCF
February 12, 2012 / Freiburg, Germany
Existiert in Material / Unpublished Pages / Talks & Events
2012-Brain Awareness Week 2012: Podiumsdiskussion [in German]
March 12, 2012 / Freiburg, Germany
Existiert in Material / / Talks & Events / Conferences & Workshops
2012-iCoNeT PhD Conference
October 4-5, 2012 / Freiburg, Germany
Existiert in Material / / Talks & Events / Conferences & Workshops
2012-Mechanisms of Sensory Processing
October 8 & 9, 2012 / Göttingen, Germany
Existiert in Material / / Talks & Events / Conferences & Workshops
2012-Hertie Winter School: Neural Coding in Sensory Systems
January 8-15, 2012 / Obergurgl, Austria
Existiert in Material / / Talks & Events / Conferences & Workshops
2012-2nd Latin American Summer School in Computational Neuroscience 2012
January 9-13, 2012 / Valparaiso, Chile
Existiert in Material / / Talks & Events / Conferences & Workshops
2012-8th International Meeting on Substrate-Integrated Micro Electrode Arrays
July 10-13, 2012 / Reutlingen, Germany
Existiert in Material / / Talks & Events / Conferences & Workshops
2012-Workshop on Neural Processing of Time
January 19 & 20, 2012 / Strasbourg, France
Existiert in Material / / Talks & Events / Conferences & Workshops
2012-First Winter School Ethics and Neuroscience
February 20-24, 2012 / Berlin, Germany
Existiert in Material / / Talks & Events / Conferences & Workshops
2012-Pointing Science: Technik im Gehirn [in German]
February 21, 2012 / Hamburg, Germany
Existiert in Material / / Talks & Events / Conferences & Workshops