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2012-Art exhibition at the BCF

February 12, 2012 / Freiburg, Germany
Wann 12.02.2012
von 16:00 bis 20:00
Wo Bernstein Center Freiburg, Hansastr. 9a, 79104 Freiburg
Kontakttelefon +49 761 203 9322
Termin übernehmen vCal

Art exhibition at the BCF


The Bernstein Center Freiburg cordially invites the public to the opening of the exhibition freiSinn, presenting the works of two young artists.


Atomkröte 2011 - Martina Kraemer_klein.jpg
Atomkröte 2011 - Martina Kraemer


Collected stimuli, compressed in the brain, set free –––

Two young women – akin in character, yet flowing, stumbling, flying into totally different directions – present their art, which lives, contemplates the world, does not question its own meaning, decays again, narrates, creates pictures in one’s head, evokes images...

We invite you, to the opening of our exhibition (a selection of drawings, oils, acrylics, prints, illustrations, and a book) and to celebrate you, us, and the whole world.

Martina Kraemer and Nora Rotter


Grüne Ziege - Nora Rotter_klein.jpg
Grüne Ziege - Nora Rotter



photographs by Jakob Rotter

abgelegt unter: Conference, science-comm, 2012