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Moritz Diehl (University of Freiburg and University of Leuven)

"Optimal Control and Embedded Optimization in Control Engineering and Signal Processing" / Tuesday, January 13, 2015, 17:15 h
Wann 13.01.2015
von 17:15 bis 18:45
Wo Lecture Hall, Hansastr. 9a
Termin übernehmen vCal










Bernstein Center Freiburg

Bernstein Seminar
Moritz Diehl
Chair for Systems Theory, Control and Optimization
University of Freiburg and University of Leuven
Optimal Control and Embedded Optimization
in Control Engineering and Signal Processing

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

17:15 h

Lecture Hall (ground floor)
Bernstein Center Freiburg
Hansastraße 9a 
79104 Freiburg


This talk outlines the basic ideas behind optimal control and mathematical optimization and how they can be useful in science and engineering. The major aim of the talk is to help detecting possible synergies with the neurosciences. A special focus is on convex optimization problems, i.e. problems that allow to find a globally optimal solution with efficient algorithms, and a second focus is on embedded optimization, i.e. optimization solvers running online that process an incoming stream of data in order to generate an outcoming stream of data. The talk presents a variety of examples from engineering to illustrate the approach, comprising audio processing, robot control, and control or small scale race cars.
The talk is open to the public. Guests are cordially invited!
abgelegt unter: Bernstein Seminar