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BCF PhD students receive CNS poster prizes

BCF PhD students receive CNS poster prizes

At the 20th annual Computational Neuroscience meeting, Susanne Kunkel, Man Yi Yim and Sarah Jarvis were awarded prizes for their poster presentations.

BCF PhD students receive CNS poster prizes - Mehr…

Getting a grip on grasping

Getting a grip on grasping

Scientists from Freiburg decipher brain commands for different grasp types

Getting a grip on grasping - Mehr…

Teaching award for Janina Kirsch

Teaching award for Janina Kirsch

University of Freiburg honours BCF staff member’s excellence in teaching

Teaching award for Janina Kirsch - Mehr…

How does network structure shape brain activity?

How does network structure shape brain activity?

New article in PLoS Computational Biology relates correlations in the activity of nerve cells to the detailed structure of the underlying network

How does network structure shape brain activity? - Mehr…

Article by BCF members in PLoS Computational Biology on learning from dopamine signals

Article by BCF members in PLoS Computational Biology on learning from dopamine signals

Wiebke Potjans, alumna of the BCF, has published together with members Markus Diesmann and Abigail Morrison the paper "An Imperfect Dopaminergic Error Signal Can Drive Temporal-Difference Learning". Their research paves the way for further investigations of the dopaminergic system in reward learning in the healthy brain and in pathological conditions such as Parkinson's disease.

Article by BCF members in PLoS Computational Biology on learning from dopamine signals - Mehr…

Thinking outside the column

Thinking outside the column

BCF members publish in "Frontiers in Neuroscience": New insights into brain structure reveal new facets of information processing in the nervous system

Thinking outside the column - Mehr…

Masked fears

Masked fears

New article by BCF scientists in PLoS Computational Biology explains the origin of fear processes in the brain – and why it is so difficult to overcome them

Masked fears - Mehr…

How clear is our view of brain activity?

How clear is our view of brain activity?

BCF researchers publish article in "Human Brain Mapping", demonstrating the large influence of filtering algorithms on results in brain imaging

How clear is our view of brain activity? - Mehr…

BrainLinks – BrainTools

BrainLinks – BrainTools

A research proposal by the University of Freiburg on hybrid brain-machine interface systems has been invited to enter the second round of the Excellence Initiative.

BrainLinks – BrainTools - Mehr…

Nature Neuroscience publishes article by BCF member

Nature Neuroscience publishes article by BCF member

Lichtenberg Professor Marlene Bartos from the Institute for Physiology I and the Bernstein Center of the University of Freiburg and colleagues Peer Wulff from the University of Aberdeen and William Wisden from the Imperial College London describe how they were able to specifically switch off inhibiting “interneurons” in the hippocampus of mice - and how this affected the animals' memory formation.

Nature Neuroscience publishes article by BCF member - Mehr…

BCF member receives research award

BCF member receives research award

Jens Timmer, physicist at the University of Freiburg and member of the BCF, received the Hector research award.

BCF member receives research award - Mehr…

CNS*2011 Workshops organised by BCF members

CNS*2011 Workshops organised by BCF members

At the conference CNS*2011, members of the Bernstein Center Freiburg will co-organise two workshops and one tutorial.

CNS*2011 Workshops organised by BCF members - Mehr…

"Leopoldina" elects Ad Aertsen as new member

"Leopoldina" elects Ad Aertsen as new member

The German Academy of Sciences "Leopoldina" has elected Ad Aertsen, director of the Bernstein Center Freiburg, as a new member of the society.

"Leopoldina" elects Ad Aertsen as new member - Mehr…

New article in PLoS Computational Biology: Self-Organized Criticality in Developing Neuronal Networks

New article in PLoS Computational Biology: Self-Organized Criticality in Developing Neuronal Networks

PLoS Computational Biology has published an article, co-authored by members of the BCCN Göttingen, the Bernstein Center Freiburg, and the Neuroinformatics Group of Amsterdam University. In their paper, the authors describe the maturation of cortical cell cultures and their mathematical analysis and network modeling to elucidate the different phases observed during development.

New article in PLoS Computational Biology: Self-Organized Criticality in Developing Neuronal Networks - Mehr…

New article in the Journal of Neuroscience: Gating of signal propagation in spiking neural networks by balanced and correlated excitation and inhibition

New article in the Journal of Neuroscience: Gating of signal propagation in spiking neural networks by balanced and correlated excitation and inhibition

In every waking minute, we have to make decisions – sometimes within a split second. Neuroscientists at the Bernstein Center Freiburg have now discovered a possible explanation how the brain chooses between alternative options. The key lies in extremely fast changes in the communication between single nerve cells.

New article in the Journal of Neuroscience: Gating of signal propagation in spiking neural networks by balanced and correlated excitation and inhibition - Mehr…

Children's holiday program at the Bernstein Center

Children's holiday program at the Bernstein Center

During this year's autumn school break, the BCF hosted the holiday program of the University's family service. In the first week of November, the children of university employees spent their time with two educators and explored the world of ghosts and vampires in our center.

Children's holiday program at the Bernstein Center - Mehr…

BCF launches new PhD program

BCF launches new PhD program

The Bernstein Center Freiburg consolidates its role as a hub for neuroscience with the launch of the PhD program iCoNeT. Over four years, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the Federal Ministry of Education and Research will fund this international PhD program with up to 400,000 €.

BCF launches new PhD program - Mehr…

Joint Master in Neuroscience wins „Prix Bartholdi“

Joint Master in Neuroscience wins „Prix Bartholdi“

On November 5, 2010, the Joint Master in Neuroscience was awarded this year’s „Prix Bartholdi“. The award recognises the efforts of the universities of Strasbourg, Basel and Freiburg in creating a Master’s programme that combines the strengths of neuroscientific institutions in the Upper Rhine valley to offer an international degree in the highest standards.

Joint Master in Neuroscience wins „Prix Bartholdi“ - Mehr…