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2010-Brain Connectivity Workshop

June 1-4, 2010 / Berlin, Germany
Wann 01.06.2010 um 08:00 bis
04.06.2010 um 13:00
Wo Lecture Hall in the Kaiserin-Friedrich-Haus Robert-Koch-Platz 7 10115 Berlin
Name Petra Ritter, John-Dylan Haynes, Olaf Sporns
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In 2010, the Brain Connectivity Workshop (BCW10) will be hosted by the Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience Berlin, the Berlin School of Mind and Brain and the Department of Neurology, Charité, University Medicine Berlin, Germany.

Altogether five thematic foci are planned for the three workshop days. Days one and two (2–3 June) comprise the topics (1) Modeling hierarchic connectivity, (2) Changing connectivity – plasticity, learning, development, (3) Connectivity by oscillations and (4) Role of context and noise for connectivity. Workshop day three (4 June) will comprise a half-day session on the topic (5) Multivariate decoding and brain reading.

In the one-day educational course we plan to give a didactic introduction into three methodological disciplines that provide an armamentarium for state-of-the-art research on large-scale connectivity: (1) Dynamical systems theory, (2) Graph theory, (3) Neural modeling.

In the tradition of the workshop the number of participants will be kept low. The workshop venue is located in the central district Berlin-Mitte. Here, participants of the workshop will find an abundance of possibilities for distraction and social activities after an absorbing workshop day – be it visiting one of the historical places, museums or galleries, relaxing at a city beach or actively participating in a beach-volleyball match at the former Berlin Wall strip. Our aim is to make BCW10 an inspiring and friendly event – as it has been in the past years.

Organizing CommitteeAdvisory Board

Petra Ritter

John-Dylan Haynes

Olaf Sporns









Michael Breakspear

Gustavo Deco

Karl Friston

Lee Harrison

Barry Horwitz

Viktor Jirsa

Rolf Kötter

Randy McIntosh

Jorge Riera

Alard Roebroeck

Pedro Valdes-Sosa

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abgelegt unter: Conference, 2010