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2010-BCCN Freiburg Workshop on Theory and Experiment of Neocortical Networks 2010

September 13-15, 2010 / Gütenbach, Germany
Wann 13.09.2010 um 09:00 bis
15.09.2010 um 18:00
Wo Jugendhaus Karlshütte, Gütenbach
Kontakttelefon +49 (0)761 203 9316
Termin übernehmen vCal

BCCN Freiburg Workshop on Theory and Experiment of Neocortical Networks 2010




The goal of this workshop is to boost fruitful interaction between theoreticians and experimenters in neuroscience. Specifically, we have two topics in mind:

  • Review and discuss recent experimental findings about firing rates and membrane potentials of neocortical neurons in vivo. What are the consequences of these findings for models of neocortical networks?
  • Axonal projections which leave the local cortical volume. How abundant are they, what are their characteristics, and how can they be implemented in models? What are the critical parameters one should extract from experimental work?



Clemens Boucsein, BCF Freiburg
Stefan Rotter, BCF Freiburg



Boucsein, Clemens, Dr.
Bujan, Alejandro
Cardanobile, Stefano, Dr.
Deger, Moritz
Fucke, Thomas, Dr.
Jarvis, Sarah
Jasper, Anna
Kremkow, Jens, Dr.
Kumar, Arvind, Dr.
Pernice, Volker
Reimer, Imke
Rotter, Stefan, Prof. Dr.
Sadeh, Sadra
Schnepel, Philipp
Suchanek, Dymphie
Vlachos, Jannis
Zohar, Mihael



Jugendhaus Karlshütte, Gütenbach

abgelegt unter: Conference, 2010