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2011-FENS-IBRO Summer School: Advanced Course in Computational Neuroscience

August 1 - 26, 2011 / Bedlewo, Poland
Wann 01.08.2011 um 08:00 bis
26.08.2011 um 18:00
Wo Mathematical Research and Conference Center (MRCC) of the Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences
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FENS-IBRO Summer School: Advanced Course in Computational Neuroscience


Scientific Organisers
Peter Latham, Yifat Prut, Carl van Vreeswijk, Dieter Jaeger

A. Aertsen, J. Beck, H. Bergman, E. De Schutter, B. Gutkin, G. Mongillo, A. Morrison, J. Pillow, M. Richardson, J. Rinzel, M. Tresch, M. Van Rossum, F. Wolf, L. Zhaoping.



Application Information
Application starts on January 3, 2011.
Deadline on April 3, 2011.

For advanced graduate students and postdoctoral fellows who are interested in learning the essentials of the field. Students are expected to have a keen interest and basic background in neurobiology as well as some computer experience. Students of any nationality can apply.

A maximum of 30 students will be accepted. We specifically encourage applications from researchers who work in the developing world. These students will be selected according to the normal submission procedure.



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abgelegt unter: Conference, 2011