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2010-BCF-Workshop 2010

October 6-8, 2010 / Freiburg, Germany
Wann 06.10.2010 um 11:00 bis
08.10.2010 um 13:00
Wo Fachschaftshaus Schauinsland, Freiburg
Termin übernehmen vCal


This year's BCF retreat, held at the familiar Schauinsland University Hut, was an unusual departure from previous retreat frameworks owing to a conspicuous but intended absence of all but two P.I.s from the proceedings; a curious but evidently auspicious move which facilitated in the building of an atmosphere of collegiality amongst so many new faces at the BCF. Owing partly to this and to the contributions made by our bright and committed young scientists, the 3-day retreat was an amicable balance between leisure and work activities and provided a welcoming venue to integrate newcomer Ph.D. students. We thank all those who participated in the meeting and look forward to seeing you all again in next year's BCF retreat!


abgelegt unter: Conference, 2010