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2014-9th festival "Politik im Freien Theater"

November 22, 2014 / Freiburg, Germany
Wann 22.11.2014
von 04:00 bis 17:30
Wo Theater Freiburg, Kleines Haus, Bertoldstr 46, Freiburg
Kontakttelefon 0761 203 67722
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9th festival "Politik im Freien Theater"

Panel discussion: "The better other? - About the coexistence of humans and robots"


Here's the line-up:

• Prof. Wolfram Burgard
• Dr. Kate Darling (MIT Media Lab, Boston)
• Roman Pletter (Journalist, weekly newspaper DIE ZEIT)
The discussion will be held predominantly in English.

Prof. Wolfram will also present the BLBT cluster's NeuroBot project with a demo.

The entrance is free.

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abgelegt unter: 2014, science-comm