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2011-Brain Implant Meets Cyberpunk: Neurotechnology between Science Fiction and Application

March 15, 2011 / Freiburg, Germany
Wann 15.03.2011
von 19:00 bis 22:00
Wo Cohibar, Milchstraße 9, Freiburg
Kontakttelefon +49 (0)761 203 9322
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Brain Implant Meets Cyberpunk: Neurotechnology between Science Fiction and Application


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In our event, we will exchange ideas about neurotechnology between people who approach the field from very different angles. Award-winning science fiction author Michael Iwoleit will read from one of his works, sharing his view of opportunities and dangers of neurotechnology. In a following discussion, he will be joined by scientists from the University of Freiburg who work in this field. Together, they will explore the biological, technological and philosophical implications of neurotechnology.


A few impressions of this event (all images by Oliver Wrobel):


Michael Iwoleit reading from his story



The discussion panel: Thomas Stieglitz, Ulrich Egert, Michael Iwoleit, Guido Nikkhah, Gunnar Grah (from left)



Bringing the ethical perspective to the debate: Oliver Müller



The audience at the "Cohibar", which was filled to the last seat (and standing space)

abgelegt unter: Conference, 2011, science-comm