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2012-FAIM Workshop „Neuronal probes for deep-brain stimulation“

April 20, 2012 / Freiburg, Germany
Wann 20.04.2012
von 14:00 bis 18:00
Wo Georges-Koehler-Allee 101, R. 016/018, 2nd floor
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FAIM Workshop „Neuronal probes for deep-brain stimulation“

[Talks will be held partially in German]

FAIM.pngImplantable electrodes can apply electrical stimulations even to deep-lying structures of the brain, for instance to counteract the symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease or movement disorders, or to therapeutically counteract psychiatric disorders.

During the FAIM Workshop “Neuronal probes for deep-brain stimulation”, internationally renowned experts for microsystems and neurotechnology and medicine will give talks under the chairing of IMTEK professors Ulrich Egert and Thomas Stieglitz.

The workshop will provide insight into the current state of technology for both clinically established and novel applications, will explain how modelling can help to investigate therapeutic mechanisms, and how microtechnology is used in the development of new probes and implants.

During breaks, participants and speakers will have the opportunity to exchange ideas.


Chairs: Prof. Dr. Ulrich Egert and Prof. Dr. Thomas Stieglitz, Institute for Microsystems Engineering (IMTEK) and Bernstein Center Freiburg, University of Freiburg

This event is free of charge, but registration with your contact details is required. Please send it to

Deadline for registrations is April 10, 2012.

The detailed programme will be available soon at

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abgelegt unter: Conference, 2012