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2012-Correlations between Theory and Experiment in the Neurosciences

June 4-6, 2012 / Münstertal, Germany
Wann 04.06.2012 um 09:00 bis
06.06.2012 um 18:00
Wo Tagungshaus Kratzbürste e.V., Untere Gasse 22, 79244 Münstertal
Kontakttelefon +49 (0)761 203 9316
Termin übernehmen vCal

Correlations between Theory and Experiment in the Neurosciences



TmE_2012_Pic3.jpgVarious studies revealed that neurons co-vary their spike rates and synchronize their spike timing both in ongoing activity, and when driven by a stimulus. The workshop "Correlations between Theory and Experiment" is about these and other concepts/types of correlations inherent in cortical activity. The aim is to address this topic by correlating experimental and theoretical points of view.

TmE_2012_Pic1.jpgAmong other things, we ask:
How reliable are the findings on correlations given the problems and constraints of conducting an experiment, analyzing data or modeling a neuronal network? Which mechanisms and characteristics of single neurons are beneficial for the detection/transfer of presynaptic coincident spikes, and how do they affect correlations in a network?
What is the relation of correlations arising in a cortical network and the statisitics of connectivity? How are spikes, LFP and oscillations correlated? How to measure or test in an experiment concepts of correlations and hypotheses which emerged from theoretical work?


Imke_Anna.JPGImke Reimer, BCF Freiburg
Anna Ivic Jasper, BCF Freiburg
Clemens Boucsein, BCF Freiburg
Stefan Rotter, BCF Freiburg


TmE_2012_Pic2.jpgBahuguna, Jyotika
Boucsein, Clemens
Bujan, Alejandro
Deger, Moritz
Jarvis, Sarah
Jasper, Anna
Kilias, Antje
Kumar, Arvind
Lindsay, Grace
Pernice, Volker
Reimer, Imke
Rotter, Stefan
Sadeh, Sadra
Schnepel, Philipp
Suchanek, Dymphie
Tetzlaff, Tom
Yim, Man Yi
Zaytsev, Yury
Zohar, Mihael


Tagungshaus Kratzbürste e.V.
Untere Gasse 22
79244 Münstertal

abgelegt unter: Conference, 2012