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2010-Manchester Workshop on Neural Coding & Computation

August 31, 2010 / Manchester, UK
Wann 31.08.2010
von 10:00 bis 17:00
Wo The University of Manchester Faculty of Life Sciences Room G306, ground floor, Jean McFarlane Building
Kontakttelefon +44 161 306 3883
Termin übernehmen vCal

The Manchester Workshop on Neural Coding and Computation that will take place at the Faculty of Life Sciences of the University of Manchester (UM).

Understanding how the brain codes and processes information is one of the major challenges of neuroscience. The Manchester Neural Coding and Computation Workshop will address this fundamental problem by bringing together leading international speakers from computational neuroscience, mathematical neuroscience, and systems neuroscience. The aim of the workshop is to present cutting edge research on neural coding from a multidisciplinary perspective.


The date, time, and venue for the workshop are as follows:

August 31, 2010, from 10:00am to 5:00pm
The University of Manchester
Faculty of Life Sciences
Room G306, ground floor, Jean McFarlane Building

The confirmed invited speakers are the following:

-Peter Dayan (Gatsby, London)
-Christoph Kayser (Max Planck Institute, Tuebingen, Germany)
-Miguel Maravall (Instituto de Neurociencias, Alicante, Spain)
-Simon Schultz (Imperial College, London)
-Simon Thorpe ( CNRS, France)
-Misha Tsodyks (Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel)

Some travel support will be available (priority will be given to PhD students and postdocs).

The event is funded by the UK Neuroinformatics Node, the Neuroscience Research Institute (UM), and the Faculty of Life Sciences (UM).

Registration and attendance are free of charge. Buffet lunch will be provided. Please, register by filling in the form at the workshop web page (


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