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2010-Joint BCCN Freiburg-Berlin Workshop on Point Processes in Neuroscience 2010

April 12-14, 2010 / Buchenbach, Germany
Wann 12.04.2010 um 09:00 bis
14.04.2010 um 18:00
Wo Jugendhaus St. Barbara, Buchenbach
Termin übernehmen vCal

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The goal of this workshop is to foster the use of stochastic point process theory in Computational Neuroscience, and to exchange ideas how to employ univariate and multivariate point processes in practical applications. Stochastic point processes suggest themselves as phenomenological models of spike trains 
♦ to classify the behavior of neurons recorded in electrophysiological experiments 
♦ as statistical models that suggest certain perspectives of spike train analysis 
♦ to provide surrogate data for the statistical analysis of spike recordings and hypothesis testing 
♦ discrete dynamical systems with interesting properties not shared by systems using continuous variables.

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Fatihcan Atay, MPI Leipzig
Stefano Cardanobile, BCF Freiburg
Moritz Deger, BCF Freiburg
Werner Ehm, IGPP Freiburg
Farzad Farkooi, FU Berlin
George L Gerstein, UPenn, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Birgit Kriener, MPI Göttingen
Oliver Muthmann, BCF Freiburg
Martin Nawrot, FU Berlin
Volker Pernice, BCF Freiburg
Imke Reimer, BCF Freiburg
Stefan Rotter, BCF Freiburg
Benjamin Staude, BCF Freiburg
Tom Tetzlaff, UMB Ås, NO
Man-Yi Yim, BCF Freiburg



Jugendhaus St. Barbara, Buchenbach

abgelegt unter: Conference, 2010